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In this report: Live School in Turkey, Germany, Russia, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Somali Border, Ethiopia and Rwanda.

The number of student’s grows to over 10,000 and the mentoring house is nearing completion.

Yesterday I arrived in Istanbul, Turkey, on the first leg of a trip that will take me to Germany, Russia and the USA. I will try to give you feedback along the way if we have Internet connection.

My first stop is to meet with a dear friend and colleague, Pastor Kim who is working in the region with great effect. He has a real heart of a mentor and also invests much time and energy in young people with an emphasis of teaching them the Bible and getting them mobilized to the task of missions.

Breaking the 10,000 barrier
We are blessed to report that we broke through the 10,000, student barrier in June. According to our latest Data Base figures we now have 10,002 students who have either graduated or who are in training now. There are 816 schools in 66 countries.  All the Glory to God for what He is doing!

God is using ordinary people to do extraordinary work
The reports that are coming in are absolutely amazing. Training old and young is the order of the day. From planting new churches to helping reduce malnutrition in remote areas, working on catching rainwater to teaching granny’s to look after the orphans in their villages.

Lives are impacted in the face of challenges
Our dear friends from Zambia writes about the Live School students that they are in contact with: “It has been heart-warming to see the dedication and commitment of most of these men and women to reach the lost with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They face challenges but are still determined to carry on”.

Mobilization is imperative
Our South African leader, Pastor Isaac Modise writes: “We are busy with the final preparations of the Rise Mission Conference in Mabopane. So far we are experiencing the Lord’s favor and strength. This is a unique gathering of like-minded people with the passion to see mission vision restored in local churches. Delegates from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Swaziland, Soweto, Pretoria, Botswana, Mozambique, Kenya, UK have confirmed attendance”.

While Isaac is busy with The Rise Conference, our son in-law and daughter, Adriaan and Lydia Adams are busy running the MIA conference in Pretoria, also with the view of bringing an awareness to take the Gospel to those who have not heard.

East Africa focus
In East Africa, Paul has had a busy time, traveling to Tanzania and Kenya – especially in the arid regions where the Samburu, Turkana and Dorobo people are found. His travels also took him close to the Somali border where a number of Live Schools are set to begin.  The Live school is also about to start in Ethiopia and Rwanda.

The mentoring house nearing completion
In the last few months, Lydia and I have been renovating an old farmhouse in the Paarl Valley in South Africa. We have also been adding extra rooms and meeting space to it so we can accommodate and host some of our team members and the senior pastors and leaders they relate to from various parts of the world. This will help Lydia and I to reduce our travel schedule yet make more intentional contact with our leaders. We are calling it the “Mentoring House” and look forward to receive our first group of leaders in October this year.

We need your prayers for the builders and sub-contractors to finish the work in excellence and at the same time that the Lord will supply the finances needed to complete the project.

There is no doubt that time is short and God is on the move.  Lets be sure to join Him in all He is doing.

Warm greetings

Willie & Lydia