4th -14th APRIL 2016 -SIBERIA
From the 4th till 14th of April we will travel from one village to another, from one city to another to meet as many students, facilitators and pastors from all the Live Schools ever started in the regions east of Lake Baikal and Irkustk just west of Lake Baikal.
It is imperative that Cobus and Elsarina know the territory but also to know the people. Our goal stretch beyond starting schools. We want to see churches planed in every village in Russia as well as crossing borders to Mongolia and China.
Hennie will also be the main speaker at a annual Youth conference and Cobus and Elsarina will assist in ministry to the young! We will do a lot of traveling and a lot of ministry wth the hope that we can see more schools started. We also trust God to take in another 30 schools to Russia.
15TH – 22ND APRIL 2016
From Irkutsk we will fly to Moscow and then to Volgograd only to find a car to drive us 3 hours North to a town called Michaelovka.
Michaelovka is the host town to the mission Conference called: The Rise!” For years now we have been working hard to develop a church planting strategy in Southern Russia and this year is no different.
“The Rise” – a gathering of passionate leaders and missionaries – is a time where we will worship, pray and discuss strategy to see churches planted. The beginnings of the bold strategy to plant 150 churches in 3 years will be launched and activated by sending small teams to difficult to reach areas! Again, Cobus and Elsarina is key next to me in this meeting.
The group consists of : Hennie, Lynn, Adre, Martelie en Lizelle. (Elseriena en Kobus.)
Thank you for assisting our team in prayer, we pray God’s richest blessings on you.