by Eddie Robinson | Mar 29, 2019 | 2018, LS-Caribbean, Remember • 2018
Acts 1:8 in Haiti Dear friends What a trip! Praise God for His grace as we traveled to Haiti and back. We are always in God’s hands, but when you’re traveling around Haiti, you are more aware of that. Thank you very much for praying, we truly sensed that...
by Eddie Robinson | Mar 25, 2019 | 2018, LS-Caribbean, LS-North Africa, Remember • 2018
Mobilization throughout North Africa and the Caribbean So much has been going on and continues to do so! Please forgive us for being quiet for such a long time. I believe that the Lord challenged me with this question, “Does and will what I do result in...
by Jim Hartman & Bucky Drake | Mar 21, 2019 | 2018, LS-Central America, Remember • 2018
HOME WHAT IS LIVE SCHOOL? GALLERY OUR TEAM CONTACT US English Español Overcoming obstacles in San Salvador and Guatemala San Salvador Good news continues to come out of San Salvador and we are so proud of the first graduating class of Live School in Central...
by Chip Carroll | Mar 18, 2019 | 2019, LS-WACA
Entire WACA region using Live School to train indigenous missionaries God is doing amazing things throughout West & Central Africa (WACA). The Lord continues to go before us as we work to open up the bottleneck of laborers to the mission field. He continues to...
by Paul Achilles | Mar 18, 2019 | 2019, LS-East Africa
HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow New Mission's and Leaders Training Centre opens in Kenya Get to know us Hey hey, it is another month and that means another edition of our newsletter. We got some feedback/questions from some of...
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