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Early Christian Missionaries

Early Christian Missionaries

HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow Early Christian Missionaries Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. (Isaiah 45:22) For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared...
The Gateway

The Gateway

HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow The Gateway We left Nairobi for Mombasa on October 10, 2020 with an objective to ascertain the status of the Church and its future as well as our work in the region. Mombasa is a key gateway to...

October 2020 India Letter Hindi

Home Live Schools Motivation Stories Donate October 2020 India Letter भारत के अगुवे, संचालक और छात्रों के नाम सन्देश – सितम्बर 2020, प्रिय मित्रों  केपटाउन से यीशु के अतुलनीय नाम में आप का अभिवादन कोरोना महामारी का समय अत्यधिक लम्बा होता जा रहा है  और निश्चित ही इस ने...
October 2020 India Letter

October 2020 India Letter

Home Live Schools Motivation Stories Donate October 2020 India Letter Message to the India Leaders, Facilitators and students – September 2020 Dear Friends, Greetings from Cape Town in the matchless name of Jesus. The COVID pandemic is dragging on for far too long and...
September 2020 India Letter

September 2020 India Letter

Home Live Schools Motivation Stories Donate September 2020 India Letter Dear Brothers & Sisters,  Greetings to you all in the name of most High God Jesus Christ. I am thankful to God for this great privilege to share the word of God to encourage you especially in...