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El Salvador Rises

El Salvador Rises And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” Luke 5:10 It wasn’t until we stood on the top of a mountain several days into the trip that we saw the first white person in El Salvador besides those on our team....
The Simplicity of a Child

The Simplicity of a Child

The Simplicity of a Child Luke 18:16 reveals the LORD Jesus’ response to children: When “the disciples…shooed [children] off. Jesus called them back. “Let these children alone. Don’t get between them and me. These children are the kingdom’s pride and joy. Mark this:...


Cuba Cuba is a fascinating country with a hard but hopeful history. It’s a land stuck between the third and first world, between 1950s’-style suburbs and concrete apartment buildings, between European streetscapes and two aisle grocery stores with only hot...
Behold, the harvest!

Behold, the harvest!

Behold, the Harvest! Behold, it is a new day. It’s harvest time! Therefore, it’s time to pull the combines out of the barn – out of the four walls of the church – and get them into the field!  2016 was a time of revealing and healing. Let 2017...