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Cuba Cuba is a fascinating country with a hard but hopeful history. It’s a land stuck between the third and first world, between 1950s’-style suburbs and concrete apartment buildings, between European streetscapes and two aisle grocery stores with only hot...
Blood and Milk Drinking People

Blood and Milk Drinking People

HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow Blood and Milk Drinking People A story of the Gabra people in Kenya John sat on the airplane staring at the magazine article in front of him. “How in the world, Lord?” he kept praying over and...
Prison Church

Prison Church

Prison Church David* awoke knowing that he needed to go to and pray over his fellow prisoner. But how? That man was crazy. The prison guards couldn’t even hold him down long enough to put clothes on him. All the other prisoners feared him. The prison guards were...
Death Threats on Text Messages

Death Threats on Text Messages

Death Threats on Text Messages “We will kill you, and it will be easy.” The text message glowed ominously on Philip’s* phone. Those were words he’d heard before. Many times, actually. They were always a little different, but they had the same goal: fear. Death. Philip...
South Africa

South Africa

South Africa In November, the media team went to South Africa to attend WMC’s international Leaders’ Meeting and to film a short documentary a Live School running in the township of Soweto. While we were at the Leaders’ Meeting, there were eight or...
The Spanish Launch

The Spanish Launch

The Spanish Launch The room buzzed as people talked quickly in Spanish, and the warm light reflected off of the bright green banners displaying, Escula de Misiones en Vivo…Live School. We had assumed that, in this South & Central American culture, people wouldn’t...