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update from Guyana

update from Guyana

Update from Guyana Just a short update from a hot and humid Guyana.  Chuck and I arrived safely on Monday night after 17 hours travel.  The next day we started meeting with church leaders.  Two of them, after hearing and understanding how it works, asked to start...
Live School empowering local initiatives in Guyana

Live School empowering local initiatives in Guyana

Live School Empowering Local Initiatives in Guyana You may remember me speaking about a lady named Natasha.  She is a soft spoken pastor’s wife in Guyana who is powerful in her own unique way.  To be honest, after I met her and left the country, I could not even...
PJ and a Prayer – A personal report from Paul

PJ and a Prayer – A personal report from Paul

HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow PJ and a Prayer - A Personal Report from Paul Surprise!! that was to be her name until the sanity and ridicule of a name like that hit home with me and we named her Paulah Julia Achilles....