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A Story from School of Mission Zambia

A Story from School of Mission Zambia

A Story from the School of Mission Zambia The School of Missions in Zambia, run by Life Family Church, uses Live School to train missionaries. For the last six years, the school makes sure each intake of students is involved in cross-cultural missions within Southern...
The Gospel and A Beating

The Gospel and A Beating

HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow The Gospel and a Beating They have spent their lives in a little coastal town as long as they have been married, and God gave them the heart to train in missions for their neighbors. The majority...
Pastor Felix’s Testimony

Pastor Felix’s Testimony

HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY CONTACT US FollowFollow Pastor Felix's Testimony “I will be in trouble because you only want one testimony, but there are a lot!” That was the comment Pastor Felix from North Uganda gave when asked to share...
A Christian High School in a Muslim Area

A Christian High School in a Muslim Area

A Christian High School in a Muslim Area Emmanuel High School is a Christian school strategically located amid a Muslim area in Chad. Though the school is decidedly Christian, all the students are Muslim. The local imam has embraced the school, and the parents are...
Story from Congo

Story from Congo

Story from Congo Youlou, who coordinates Live School activities in the Congo for us, has the vision and is RUNNING with it. He recently was invited to the Congress Center to present Live School to the pastors in Brazzaville. He wrote, “Live School is now known...